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总的来说,简阳市石油炼制职业高中以其扎实的教学质量、丰富的教学资源和务实的办学理念,为学生们提供了一个良好的成长平台。在这里,学生不仅能够获得专业知识和技能,还能够得到全面的素质培养,为将来步入社会做好充分的准备。相信在学校的培养下,学生们定能在未来的道路上取得更加辉煌的成就。 Simple City Vocational High School of Petroleum Refining is a school that focuses on the career development of students and has achieved outstanding achievements in cultivating students' technical skills and professional qualities. Now let's take a look at the characteristics and achievements of this school.


First of all, Simple City Vocational High School of Petroleum Refining pays attention to the cultivation of students' practical ability. The school has an excellent team of teachers who not only focus on theoretical teaching but also emphasize students' practical skills. The school is equipped with first-class laboratory equipment and professional training facilities, providing students with a good learning environment. In the process of learning, students can transform the knowledge they have learned into practical skills through practical operation, laying a solid foundation for their future career development.

Secondly, the school adheres to the educational philosophy of "integration of knowledge and practice" and pays attention to the comprehensive quality of students. In addition to professional courses, the school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, including cultural and sports competitions, skills competitions, etc., enriching students' extracurricular lives, and cultivating their spirit of teamwork and leadership. The school also encourages students to participate in social practice activities, allowing them to gain insight, exercise their will, and establish the correct outlook on life and values in practice.


In addition, Simple City Vocational High School of Petroleum Refining also attaches importance to cooperation with enterprises to provide students with internship and employment opportunities. The school has established cooperative relationships with many local enterprises, providing students with rich internship opportunities and job positions. Through internships, students can not only apply the knowledge they have learned to actual work, but also gain in-depth understanding of enterprise operations and management models, laying a solid foundation for future employment.

In summary, Simple City Vocational High School of Petroleum Refining provides students with a good growth platform with its solid teaching quality, rich teaching resources, and pragmatic educational philosophy. Here, students can not only acquire professional knowledge and skills, but also receive comprehensive quality education, fully preparing for future entry into society. I believe that under the cultivation of the school, students will be able to achieve even more brilliant achievements in the future.

简阳市 学生 学校
