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In this article, we will discuss the tuition fees at Chengdu Vocational High School.

Tuition Fees at Chengdu Vocational High School

Chengdu Vocational High School is a renowned educational institution in Chengdu, China. As with any school, tuition fees are an important consideration for students and their families. The exact amount of tuition fees may vary depending on several factors. 成都职高需要交多少学费呢英文(成都职高需要交多少学费)

Factors Affecting Tuition Fees

1. Grade Level: Tuition fees at Chengdu Vocational High School generally increase as students progress to higher grade levels. This is because higher grade levels often require more specialized courses and resources.

2. Residential Status: Another factor that affects tuition fees is the student's residential status. Typically, local students who reside within the same province as the school may be eligible for lower tuition fees compared to out-of-province or international students. 成都职高需要交多少学费呢英文(成都职高需要交多少学费)

3. Program of Study: Chengdu Vocational High School offers a wide range of programs and courses. Tuition fees may vary depending on the program chosen by the student. Programs with higher demand or requiring specialized equipment may have higher tuition fees.

Current Tuition Fees

As of the current academic year (2024-2025), the tuition fees at Chengdu Vocational High School are as follows: 成都职高需要交多少学费呢英文(成都职高需要交多少学费)

1. Grade 10: RMB 10,000 per year

2. Grade 11: RMB 12,000 per year

3. Grade 12: RMB 15,000 per year

Please note that these figures are subject to change and it is always recommended to confirm the latest tuition fees with the school administration.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Chengdu Vocational High School understands the financial challenges some students may face. Therefore, the school offers scholarships and financial aid programs to eligible students. These programs aim to support and encourage academic excellence, as well as provide financial assistance to those in need. Students can inquire with the school administration for more information on available scholarships and how to apply.


Tuition fees at Chengdu Vocational High School vary depending on grade level, residential status, and program of study. It is important for students and their families to consider these factors when planning for their education. Additionally, the school provides scholarships and financial aid programs to support students in their academic journey.

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