
成都招生信息网 377



Listening Section

In this section, you will listen to a series of recordings and answer questions based on what you hear.


Reading Section

This section tests your reading comprehension skills. You will read a variety of passages and answer questions about them.


Writing Section

The writing section assesses your ability to communicate effectively in written English. You may be asked to write essays, summaries, or responses to prompts.

Speaking Section

In the speaking section, you will demonstrate your oral communication skills by responding to prompts and engaging in conversation with the eaminer.

Sample Listening Question:

Listen to the following recording and answer the question below:

Recording: "What is the capital of France?"

Question: What is the capital of France?

A) London

B) Berlin

C) Paris

D) Rome

Answer: C) Paris

Sample Reading Question:

Read the following passage and answer the question below:

Passage: "The benefits of eercise include improved cardiovascular health, increased strength, and better mood."

Question: What are some benefits of eercise mentioned in the passage?

A) Weight gain

B) Weaker muscles

C) Improved cardiovascular health

D) Decreased energy levels

Answer: C) Improved cardiovascular health

Sample Writing Prompt:

Write an essay discussing the importance of education in today's society. Include specific eamples to support your argument.

Sample Answer: Education plays a crucial role in shaping individuals and societies. It provides people with the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in their personal and professional lives. For eample, educated individuals are more likely to secure well-paying jobs and contribute positively to the economy.

Sample Speaking Prompt:

Eaminer: "Describe your favorite place to visit on weekends."

Candidate: "My favorite place to visit on weekends is the beach. I love the sound of the waves and the feeling of sand between my toes. It's the perfect place to rela and unwind after a long week."

标签 标题 英语
