
成都招生信息网 0


When it comes to inquiring about admissions to vocational schools in Sichuan, it's essential to be equipped with the appropriate telephone conversation skills in English. Below are some key phrases and terms you might find useful when making inquiries.

Opening the Conversation

1. Hello, may I speak with someone regarding admissions to your vocational school in Sichuan?

2. Good morning/afternoon, I'm calling to inquire about enrollment at your school.


Seeking Information

1. Could you please provide details about the admission process?

2. I'm interested in learning about the programs offered at your school.

3. Can you tell me about the requirements for admission?

4. What are the deadlines for submitting applications?


Asking about Specifics

1. How do I apply for a particular program?

2. Is there an entrance eam, and if so, what does it entail?

3. Are there any specific documents I need to submit with my application?

4. Can you eplain the tuition fees and any available financial aid options?


Clarifying Doubts

1. Could you please clarify the duration of the programs offered?

2. Is there accommodation available for students from out of town?

3. What support services does the school provide for students?

4. Are there any opportunities for internships or practical training?

Closing the Conversation

1. Thank you for providing the information. It has been helpful.

2. I appreciate your time and assistance.

3. Can you please direct me to where I can find further information?

4. Is there a brochure or website I can refer to?


With these phrases and terms in mind, you'll be well-prepared to engage in telephone conversations regarding admissions to vocational schools in Sichuan. Remember to be polite and articulate your questions clearly for the best results.

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